Friday, June 1, 2012

Latest From Leo - 6/1

Gentlemen -

It is finally on us!  Opening day is this Sunday June 3rd at Memorial Park (Jeff) against the Orioles at 1:00 p.m.

Please be there as early as you can, would like to have you there 45 min to hour before game so you can stretch out, warm up and reconnect with your team.  I would also like to get team picture before we get started.  So be sure to bring your cameras to get some great team and action photos!

We will officially have 15 players on our roster for the 2012 season.  

I'm aware that Brent and David will not be there for opening day.  So we may need another team photo later when we get them back.  I will have all the team (gold tops) uniforms with me on Sunday.  We will wear gray baseball pants, black socks, black belt and Pirates hat.  If you can wear either gold, gray, black undershirt underneath.  I have been given several pairs of pants from Tom Burnett that he wanted to go to a good home and I will bring if anyone wants and can wear they are yours.

There has been some changes to the schedule - June 5th and June 19th games have moved from Shawnee to Memorial Park.  The June 24th game is now going to be at Shawnee at 4:30 p.m. and will be 7 innings.  The July 22nd game against the Mets will be at 6:30 p.m. and it will be at Thurman Hutchins.  Don't write these changes in stone because it will most likely change as some point.

There is a new Rain-out Hotline number (502) 671-3954.
Also have a new website (this is long) it is
When you bring up site if you look under the Bluegrass division there is team schedule and other information.

If you are aware of future dates that you will not be available please let me or Brian know as soon as you can.  So far I have the following folks out on these dates;

Brent  - June 3rd

David Porta - June 3rd thru 10th
                   July 8th thru July 10th

Dustin Stover - June 12th to June 28th
Leo Brown - June 14th

Again, let me know when you know about dates and games you will miss.  It helps me get lineup and batting orders together before game time.  Everyone should have my email and phone number by now.  Phone or text is best way to flag me down.

Lets go Pirates!

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